COAC charge

Gather knowledge

    • Learn VCU Police policies, guidelines and practices including but not limited to:
      • 1-3 Constitutional Rights
      • 1-6 Bias Reduction
      • 1-7 Use of Force
      • 1-7 Use of Force
      • 4-10 Employee Early Intervention
      • 6-5 Field Interviews and Pat Downs
      • 8-2 Stopping Motorists
    • Research national best practices
    • Participate in department ride-alongs with officers on both campuses
    • Participate in Milo firearms simulation training focused on de-escalation


    • Use of force incidents and complaints at the end of each semester
    • Processes and procedures for complaints made by VCU employees, students, and members of the community (“Community complaints”)
    • VCU Police Policy 4-8, which describes the process for receiving, investigating and adjudicating complaints, and make recommendations for revisions. Any complaint investigation or adjudication that could result in dismissal, demotion, suspension without pay or transfer for punitive reasons of a VCU Police officer will be in compliance with the Virginia Law Enforcement Officers Procedural Guarantee Act, Virginia Code § 9.1-500 et seq.


    • Meet as needed with the Chief of Police (minimally annually)
      • Discuss the Bias-Based Policing Annual Review: trends, potential biased patterns of behavior and training needs
      • Review policies and procedures to address systemic issues
    • Meet as needed with the VP for Administration (minimally annually)
      • Provide feedback on the work of the Committee and suggest improvements
      • Elevate concerns

Communication and complaint disposition

  • Publish an annual update on the work of the Community Advisory and Oversight Committee
  • Conduct community presentations to raise awareness of the Committee and the rights of community members
  • Establish a portal for community members to directly submit complaints to the Committee.
    • Complaints received by the Committee will be reviewed at their Committee meetings and then referred by the Committee to the appropriate investigative body. If contact information was provided, the Committee may contact the submitter if additional information is required.


The Committee consists of members of the VCU community--students, faculty, health system and university employees--and 1-2 representatives from neighboring communities in which VCU Police have jurisdiction (The Fan, Jackson Ward, Carver, Monroe Ward/Downtown), such as:

    • Undergraduate students (1-2) (ex officio)
    • Graduate students (1-2) (ex officio)
    • Faculty (2-3) – VCU Health, VCU
    • Staff (2-3) – VCU Health, VCU
    • Community residents (1-2) (ex officio)
  • Vice President for Administration appoints the Committee chair
  • Members shall not be former or current employees of VCU Police
  • All Committee members will execute a non-disclosure agreement (“NDA”)
  • Committee members will not have access to personnel records of VCU employees
  • Members shall serve one two-year term with the possibility of re-appointment (up to two consecutive terms)
  • The process for appointment of Committee members shall be under the purview of the Vice President for Administration, with an intentional focus on recruiting a Committee that is representative of the VCU community and diverse in experience.